Gone are the days of manually and occasionally focusing on Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) as a compliance checkmark activity.  For today’s modern businesses, being compliant does not necessarily guarantee being secure.  It is mission critical that your GRC Program not only meets compliance demands but also continually assesses and strengthens your security posture.  Also, a strong security posture is not always achieved by having all the latest security tools. 

Join this webinar, where OSI Digital security experts will show you how we help organizations quickly stand up a Security GRC Program that aligns with your corporate goals and provides continual support to meet your compliance demands.

What You'll Learn:

  • Overview of OSI’s comprehensive capabilities to provide Security GRC 
  • How OSI assisted a client with formulating tactical approaches that go beyond security standards
  • Insights on the most current approaches for comprehensive protection
  • Review of how OSI uses tools and technologies to assist with preparing and being ready for compliance requirements to save time & money

Event Details :

  • DATE: Nov  29, 2023
  • TIME: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PST)




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James Chillingworth, GRC Practice Manager – OSI Digital
James has been a business owner and advisor to multi-national companies and start-ups. James is a tech savvy facilitator and strategist who takes time to understand the customer's business and operational goals. James brings extensive experience in vetting and implementing cybersecurity strategies for his clients. He brings extensive experience in frameworks, tools, dashboards, reporting, and containment of internal or external threats, loss of business, production downtime, data theft, SLA penalties and much more. James is a graduate of the University of Waterloo Mathematics program.


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Mark Magruder, Cybersecurity Practice Director at OSI Digital 
Mark serves as OSI Digital’s Cybersecurity Practice Director overseeing its managed security and cybersecurity consulting services. Mark has served in key IT and cybersecurity leadership positions throughout his career. Mark held leadership positions with Hewlett-Packard, Disney, and Fox Entertainment. Mark also served as the Information Technology and Security Officer for a large mid-west hospital system. Mark holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering and Computer Science from California State University Long Beach.  Mark has earned several cybersecurity certifications including CISSP, CISM and C|CISO.  




Vivek Sharma, Senior Principal Consultant at OSI Digital
Vivek has dedicated his career to protecting companies against cyber-attacks and building security infrastructure per compliance requirements. Early on in his career, Vivek worked with the cyber security and compliance teams of Fortune 500 companies to manage and design their security infrastructure. He was tasked by C-Level executives to make sure that the vulnerabilities and risks were minimized and to improve the strength and resiliency of the infrastructure against future attacks and compliance audits. In 2014, Vivek started building a solution to protect companies from the never-ending onslaught of cyber-attacks and compliance audits. 

Facilitated By:


Karen Dosanjh, Vice-President, Marketing at OSI Digital
Throughout her over 20-years career, Karen has built a proven reputation as a trusted advisor and expert in marketing, communications & public relations. She is laser-focused on helping companies achieve their business goals by connecting with and influencing key audiences through authentic and insightful marketing communications strategies. Karen leads the global marketing function for OSI Digital, a leading provider of business and technology solutions for Fortune 500 companies around the world.